
Sest-Digital and Agentur Wächter cooperate

Artificial intelligence and data can speed up processes and ensure greater efficiency - that's no longer a secret. But in order to use AI to create value, companies need to understand the opportunities offered by the new technologies. This is why the Wächter agency is now cooperating with Sest-Digital, which is a member of Bitkom and de:hub and a partner of IBM and Microsoft and is always up to date when it comes to AI.

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Digitalization and pharma

Digital and mobile communication is increasingly permeating our lives and is therefore part of the important arsenal in the communication quiver of many brands. But not so far in the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector. Here, an average of just 3% of the marketing budget is spent on digital channels.

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Digitization is not witchcraft

The coronavirus pandemic has further accelerated the need for digital transformation. The change process is more important than ever because previous business models are reaching the limits of their growth - SMEs in particular are severely affected by this, as the BSP Business School Berlin also states in its guide “SMEs in transition”.

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Digital Savvies, fascinating target group...

Trendy, outstanding, unseen, these are mostly the demands we place on our digital concepts and their realization. We pull out all the stops, combining strong bold messages with the latest finesse to create experiences with unparalleled brilliance and depth.

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Cookie apocalypse spurs brand awarenes

Out for cookies: what does it take now for brands to stay ahead in the e-commerce age? The suggestions of Rachel Tipograph, multiple award-winning young digital hero, will delight creative brand strategists. At our Worldwide Partners Global Summit, Rachel Tipograph's presentation was a particular highlight.

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Trends from the wish box

More data? Yes, where it makes sense and is affordable. More brand and values? Yes, because people are increasingly demanding them. More balance and customer centricity? Yes, because this is the only way to guarantee success. As the popular saying about statistics goes: “Don't trust any trend forecast that you haven't falsified with your own wishes.”

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Digitization for SMEs

Is digitalization also gaining momentum in the SME sector? What can they do to make faster progress? Three of our brandguards develop some ideas in the discussion about what can be done by whom and how. Where do small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) currently stand after the coronavirus lockdown? Are they still asleep or are they slowly waking up? And is the much-discussed digitalization push really happening?

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